Well, as some of you know.. I've been gone for like a week...
and here's why...
I went to the resort, and my comp wouldn't connect. A few Comp-wizes took a look at it.. they couldn't figure out what was wrong..
I figured Hey, it's only gonna be like what? one or two days? I can live... get some work done too.
But apperently that wasn't a option...
First the cable went out..
sure my mom wasn't happy.. but I was somewhat content :shrug:
then... the power went out...
I was ok at first... I thought it would only be out for a few hours...
oh how wrong I was
We had to cook EVERYTHING over the fireplace
we had to throw most of our food away...
and freakin worst of all...
the toilets...
everything covered with ice...
the branches were dropping like flies...
A few days later, we were able to go down to the trailer park..
everything seemed ok...
but my room was demolished :(
luckily.. my games and TV and bed are ok :phew:
power came on like yesterday...
my memory's not being the best at the moment so I can't remember to much now...
I also lost a battle with a plastic case...
my hand hurts form it >>;;;
But.. I'm back!!
yikes thats gotta be the trip from hell!
but your back now and you survived!