I wouldda posted this earlier but
I was on a school comp
NG was blocked
I forgot ._.
I got dragged off the comp when I remembered DX
I forgot again..
well any ways..
pretty much what I'm doing in photograph ATM
http://fc90.deviantart.com/fs45/f/2009 /065/9/7/Photograph_Screenshot_thing_b y_DJDragonwolf.png
And where I'm at so far in that
http://fc59.deviantart.com/fs43/f/2009 /065/7/e/Screen_shot_2_by_DJDragonwolf .png
If ya want to contact me [since for some reason NG keeps logging me out and I'm just to damn lazy to relog in] Here's some of the things I'm on
Skype name: djdragondude
Yahoo messenger: Add my MSN
MSN/Windows Live: djdragonwolf@hotmail.com
AIM: Infernowolfsoul [never on it cause...idk... so if You add me there, tell me and I'll go back on it]
Also I can go on chats..
Feel free to try to drag me into one :D ~
If your successful that is..